Thursday, August 10, 2006

The suspense is over.

My mom, my bro, and my sister came over for dinner tonight. I don't get to see my mom and my bro that often. Usually seems like once a month or something like that. That's pretty lame, especially since we live one exit away off the freeway. But, lately, I have been nervous to tell her something I knew she wouldn't agree on. About 2 months ago I got a tattoo. Yep. She had no idea I was planning on it. There's no way I was going to tell her beforehand. See, my mom and I have a different kind of relationship. She believes that she is my mom and not my "friend". She feels that she cannot allow me to freely tell her how I feel, and she doesn't believe she should support me no matter what. I understand and do think that as a mom, she should be able to share her opinion too. But there are some instances when a daughter just needs to talk, but she can't allow that. That is hard for me. So, I have been avoiding coming out and telling her. But, I knew I needed to say something for my sake. I couldn't keep it a secret. So I had planned on telling her. Well, when she came over, she wanted to see some pics from Luke's B-day. So I showed her the pics that were in my computer. Well, she saw one that showed my tattoo...and she said, "Melissa, you have a tattoo?" I was like, "Yeah." This was funny. The first thing she said was, "Read your Bible. It says not to get tattoos!". Well, I am glad that was over. Then she wanted to see if it was for real, so I had to show her. Poor mom, she probably was freaking out inside. I do appreciate her staying calm for the most part. My bro, who is 13, didn't know what to say. We are in such different spectrums of life. He is so controlled by what his parents want him to think, that he doesn't want to say his own thoughts. I love my bro, but I am glad my teenage days are over, I can now have an opinion of my own and make my own decisions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hah! so my mom hates my tattoos as well. so i thought i would get a "mom" tattoo to win her over. no such luck. its funny how she says i look like i am from prison. maybe i should just go, then i will have a reason.

also the bible was refering to the egyptians marking their skin with pagan symbols to worship the dead, so maybe your mom should read her bible.

August 10, 2006 11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


August 11, 2006 1:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's funny what the "Church" decides is taboo. silly Christians. I liked the tattoo when I saw it, I didn't know it was that new.

August 11, 2006 7:56 AM  
Blogger Lemmer said...

Much love for the tat! The only problem with getting the first one is that you are in a constant search for a design and place for a second!

September 08, 2006 12:08 PM  

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