Wednesday, November 01, 2006


ok. So my butt is better...yada yada. No, actually, praise God it's better!!!! Can I get an AMEN! Dude, let's just get this all out in the open now. I suck at keeping up on this blogging thing. I have already said I will try better. But, I have let peeps down, yes, including myself.

So, last Sunday, I had the honor of singing with the C.L. Ryders at the 777 monthly gathering. It was awesome!!! Thank you TJ for having me be a part of this!!! Ha, and so much fun. I am going to miss the Friday night practices and the fellows I have met doing so. So, everyone, see, I haven't been up to nothing. There's good going on lately. The Lord is working in me to be more bold and not so shy. I said "working", so this means there is still more progress to come, but hey, it's working already so far. Now, I just need to bust out my guitar more often and get going on that end of this and BAM! So, I also joined a 777 women's small group. I love it! I get to take my kids and that is important. So, as of right now, there are 4 days out of the 7 in the week that is devoted to involvement in my church and the Lord. This is good.


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